light and shade

Light creates shadows. Conversely, it can be said that shadows allow the perception of light. From a desire to express this complementary relationship through objects, focus was given to the cast and the mold. Normally, the cast is the object of interest and the mold that produced it is hidden from the audience. This collection aims to treat the cast and the mold as objects of equal importance.

The mold of one chair becomes another chair. Another mold becomes the base of a table, while its cast acts as a stool. Each item serves its own unique purpose. For the lamp, shelf, or clock, “molds” and “casts” are joined to have a single utility, yet in varied relationships. The steel “molds” are finished with a slightly translucent black coating to maintain the metal’s materiality,and the “casts” on the other hand, are finished with a matte white acrylic resin. The contrasting materiality is intended to enhance the expression of light versus shadow.

Shota Tao
Sherry Huang
Katsuaki Kobayashi
Masahiro Ohgami